JVS Vigilia: the Youth Society for Astronomy

The ideal way for young people to discover everything about astronomy is the youth group, JVS Vigilia! This group of young amateur astronomers works together on all kinds of astronomy projects. This is the club where it gets really fun, where you learn about astronomy in an active way. You get the best tips for looking at stars or satellites and you learn to build your own telescope or rocket. During the summer you can join excursions and camps, and all this with great friends who share the same interests. We provide a nice combination of sports, games and astronomy. If you want to, you can also meet astronomers and space travelers, or work on real satellites! The youth astronomy group "JVS Vigilia" meets on Friday evenings. When the weather is clear, we observe and you get an initiation in the use of the telescopes. All Vigilia activities are in Dutch.

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Group picture of Vigilia camp 2024 in Gouvy

Space Xpo

An informative visit to Space EXPO - The Human Quest 2022...

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A stargazing evening with Vigilia.

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A big turnout from the 6 JVS groups: Vigilia (Bruges), Quasar (Ostend), Gentster (Ghent), Oberon (Hove), Descartes (Genk) and Hyperion (Halle).

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During the JVS quiz, four strong groups of Vigilians competed against each other for the first place.

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An interesting practicum about calculating and drawing planet orbits using geometrical figures.

Vigilia is the Bruges branch of the Youngster's Society for Astronomy. The JVS itself is spread all over Flanders. A few times a year, we get together with the other JVS branches for joint activities, such as the JVS day. Look here for more information about what the membership entails.

Youth Society for Astronomy
Become a member!