Planetarium shows

Cozmix has a wide range of planetarium shows for every audience. From children's and family shows to shows for the more advanced astronomy enthusiast. Here you can find more information about each film. The number of stars next to the show indicates the level of difficulty. Most shows are in Dutch, however, there are a few shows offered in English at specific times during the month. These can be found in the program.

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Children and family shows

The Little Star That Could Poster EN

The Little Star That Could ★✩✩

  • From 4 years

"The Little Star That Could" is a story about an average yellow star searching for planets of his own to warm and protect. On his journey, our little star meets other stars, and learns what makes a star special. He discovers that stars occur in groups and form galaxies. Eventually, our little star finds his planets, and each of them introduces itself. This shows that an ordinary star can also be special...

For school visits, an educational package is also available with this show (which includes a workbook and reflection booklet for the students, and a teacher's booklet for supervision).

Ruimteboot Polaris EN

Polaris ★✩✩

  • From 4 years

James, a curious penguin, sets out from the South Pole on a journey around the world. At the North Pole he meets Vladimir the polar bear. Both wonder why the night lasts so long. To solve this mystery, they build an observatory and the space boat "Polaris". They discover many similarities but also differences with planets such as Earth, Mars and Saturn. Come along on a space journey in search of ice, light and a dark starry sky.

Lucia En Het Meteorietenmysterie EN

Lucia and the Secret of Shooting Stars ★★✩

  • From 6 years

We go exploring again with our old friends: Vladimir, the polar bear, and James, the penguin. They travel in their spacecraft Polaris to study the aurora in more detail. However, when they are hit by a meteorite they crash at the foot of an ancient Mayan temple and meet Lucia, a feisty hummingbird who loves rocks. She tells them about the legend of the 'luminous rocks'. Meteors, or shooting stars - the 'luminous stones' - intrigue them all. In search of answers, they set out for the Moon, along the asteroid belt, and finally end up on a comet's nucleus. In doing so, they learn all sorts of new things and facts about the solar system.

A3 affiche Noisette v4 EN

Hazelnuts ★✩✩

  • From 4 years

Two squirrels, Nino and Lilli, fantasize about a starry sky filled with beautiful planets. Planets where super-sized hazelnuts grow. The two little squirrels try with enthusiasm to leave Earth to see their dreams come true. Leon, an old wise owl, prefers to lead them to his telescope. He shows them what they can expect from other planets. "Hazelnuts" is written for young children, with visual jokes and astronomical information tailored to their level. Discussed topics range from the planets in our solar system to the formation of the Earth and the conditions for life. Join Nino and Lilli on a journey through space during "Hazelnuts," searching for the largest hazelnuts in the universe.

Sol key image 16x9 v01 3840x2160

The Great Solar System Adventure ★★✩

  • From 6 years

In the spectacular fulldome show "The Great Solar System Adventure", an enthousiastic storyteller takes you on a breathtaking journey into his mechanical planetarium. From the scorching landscapes of Mercury to the ice cold outermost gas planets. We explore the most dangerous and fascinating places in our solar system. Admire the landscape of the red planet Mars and dive into the thick ice layer of Europa or the rings of Saturn. Along the way we discover how fragile our own planet really is. Does everyone get home safely? Don't miss out on this incredible adventure!

Op Vakantie Naar De Blauwe Planeet EN

Perfect Little Planet ★★✩

  • From 6 years

The children's show "Perfect Little Planet" tells the story of a family of space aliens, searching for the ideal vacation destination. Together with their space robot, they traverse the universe and visit different planets and moons.
It soon turns out that finding a suitable planet is not easy. For a pleasant vacation it is sometimes too hot, often too cold and some planets you can't even land on at all. Finally, a blue planet looks promising, but is it safe for our aliens?

Op Planetenjacht EN

Beyond the Sun ★★★

  • From 8 years

Celeste receives a visit from the mysterious Moon and his luminous helpers during a sleepless night. The curious girl already knows an extraordinary amount about the solar system but joins Moon in his search for planets around other stars. These exoplanets are very difficult to find and investigate. Yet together they manage to unravel detection methods and spectacular discoveries follow. Here, the "planet hunting" of astrophysicists is presented in an understandable way and at a child's level. While we're at it, we'll also explore exoplanets full of volcanoes, ice worlds and even super-Earths. Will we find a habitable planet, like Earth, around another star?

Trailer (NL)

Family and adult shows

To worlds beyond

To Worlds Beyond ★✩✩

  • From 10 years

In the film screening "To Worlds Beyond" we get to know the sun, planets, moons and numerous other objects from the solar system. During this breathtaking performance, we'll take you along the surface of the sun and the sweltering worlds close to our star. After a passage near our home planet, Earth, we move on to the coldest places in the solar system; icy moons and brilliant comets. We explore planets with huge volcanoes, miles deep canyons, gigantic storms or dizzying rings. A great adventure for all those who want to learn more about our beautiful solar system.

Vijftig Jaar Apollo EN

Capcom Go! ★✩✩

  • From 10 years

On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon. From 1969 to 1972, a total of twelve astronauts would walk around on our nearest neighbor.
After half a century, it is certainly worth looking back at the Apollo program. Relive the most imaginative period in the history of space travel in this fulldome documentary.

Zoeken Naar Onbekende Planeten EN

Undiscovered Worlds ★★✩

  • From 12 years

In our solar system, there are 8 planets orbiting the Sun. Since the end of the last century, astronomers have also found planets around other stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. These are called exoplanets. This is a very hot topic in current astronomical research. After all, it appeals enormously to the imagination, if only because the question of possible extraterrestrial life soon arises. The show "Undiscovered Worlds" is about the intriguing new research area of exoplanets.

Van Aarde Tot Zwaartekracht EN

From Earth to the Universe ★✩✩

  • From 12 years

Starting with our own daily observations, we get an overview of the apparent motion of the sun, moon, planets and the starry sky. The observation and study of these phenomena is what we call astronomy. Thanks to a couple of extraordinary scientists and their discoveries, we have experienced a true revolution in astronomy. Since the invention of the telescope, our image of the cosmos has changed tremendously. Amazement and incomprehension made room for new physical laws. Bit by bit our own place in the universe became clear. Recent research, such as the detection of exoplanets en gravitational waves, illustrates how quickly the science of the cosmos is evolving and how interesting astronomy is.

Img poster fulldome show earths climate a3a153a5b1 scaled

Earth's Climate ★✩✩

  • From 12 years

Around the sun orbit eight planets, but only on the third planet from the sun, our Earth, could life originate and evolve. The Earth moves in a fairly stable way around its own axis and through the solar system. Additionally, our planet is large enough to retain an atmosphere. Research has shown that there are many causes for the natural variations in our climate. These include recurring changes such as the orientation and tilt of the Earth's axis, the solar cycle, and the changing shape of the Earth's orbit. However, in the last two centuries, a new type of climate change has become apparent, resulting from large-scale human interventions in the natural environment. Will we succeed in securing life on our small blue planet?

Het Ontstaan Van De Aarde EN

Birth of Planet Earth ★★✩

  • From 12 years

During this impressive fulldome show we relive the birth of our solar system. We start 5 billion years ago, with the shockwave of a supernova that started the birth of the Sun, our star in the Milky Way. We follow the spectacular formation of planets around the Sun with numerous collisions and impacts, that eventually led to the birth of the Earth and its natural companion, the Moon. Afterwards, something peculiar happens. Life forms on the third planet from the Sun. We investigate the ingenious processes that the first lifeforms and we still use to this day.
The question remaining is: Is the Earth a unique spot in the universe, an oasis of life in an inhospitable cosmos? Or is our planet one of many with habitable conditions?

De Explosieve Kosmos EN

Exploding Universe ★★★

  • From 12 years

From devastating events in the cosmos, new things can be created. Explosive phenomena are responsible for the way the universe looks today, and not all of these events occur on a large scale.
The evolution of the universe has not spared even the most elementary particles. In this show, we follow the path of one of these particles, a proton, which participates in the most amazing phenomena in nature. It is a story of decay and creation: from supernovae and colliding black holes to super volcanoes and colliding protons. This show takes us to the most extreme conditions in the cosmos!

Het Onzichtbare Heelal EN

Unveiling The Invisible Universe ★★★

  • From 12 years

For thousands of years, humans observed the light in the night sky with their eyes. At the beginning of the 17th century, Galileo's invention of the telescope broadened our knowledge of the universe. With the invention of the rocket in the 20th century, it became possible to leave Earth's atmosphere and observe X and gamma rays. These provide us with information about the hot and turbulent processes in the universe. But not only light can tell us something about the cosmos. Neutrinos and cosmic rays also contain essential information. Finally, LIGO's detection of gravitational waves also opened new doors for astrophysics. This show will bring you images of the cosmos made by different detectors.


The shows below are no longer included in the regular programme, but can be shown on request (e.g. for groups).

Asteroid ★✩✩

In this film, you will go on an epic journey to discover how asteroids present both danger and opportunity. The danger lies in the possibility of a catastrophic collision with Earth, the opportunity is the fascinating idea that asteroids could be an intermediate step to explore other worlds and traverse the solar system. The challenges are enormous, but such an extreme mission could ultimately lead to us protecting our planet and inhabiting other planets.
Join us as we explore how astronauts can reach an asteroid and how humanity can benefit from this adventure.

Starlight ★✩✩

Stars have captured humanity's imagination for centuries. For thousands of years their mysteries have aroused the curiosity of all cultures and civilizations.
A great deal of information can be derived from weak starlight. By unraveling this light we can find out what substances the star is made of. Us humans are made of these same ingredients. In fact, all substances on Earth, including those in our own bodies, were first formed in the interior of a star. We'll find out how a star gets its energy. This is done by nuclear fusion, but this source of energy is also finite. A lot of stars end their life in a spectacular way because of this.

Fragile Planet ★✩✩

In this show, we look at some unique places on Earth with the eye of an astronaut. We then travel to the Moon and Mars. Even further away, we look for habitats where extraterrestrial life might occur. So far, however, our Earth is the only known safe haven for life. It is therefore of great importance to take care of our fragile Earth.

The Sun ★★✩

Our central star has been providing energy to Earth since its creation more than four billion years ago. It thus determines the activity in the atmosphere and is important for all life on Earth. The passage of the Sun's fiery disk in the sky - from day to day, from month to month - was a way of keeping track of time for countless civilizations in the past.
Our Sun is a "yellow dwarf star," but don't let this term fool you: every second our Sun consumes 600 million tons of hydrogen and it contains 500 times more mass than all the planets combined. Experience the unique images of the fierce solar surface and discover the secrets of the most important star in our lives.

Black Holes ★★✩

In "Black Holes" we take you to a place where time stands still, where the normal world order no longer exists, where the unimaginable becomes reality: the fascinating and extreme world of black holes. How does a black hole form? How can we find black holes? Would we survive if we fell into one? These and many more questions about the most bizarre objects in the universe are addressed in this planetarium show. We follow the story of black holes since they were thought up at the end of the 18th century, to the present day. Black holes are no longer the domain of 'science fiction': at Cozmix's planetarium, we take you on a fascinating journey into space and time!

Chasing The Ghost Particle ★★★

Deep beneath the ice at the heart of Antarctica one can find IceCube, the largest and strangest detector in the world. IceCube tries to catch neutrinos, mysterious particles coming from the most extreme places in the universe. These ghostly and elusive particles can teach us more about the most spectacular events in the universe, such as exploding stars and supermassive black holes.

Fractal Explorations ★★✩

A fractal is a geometric figure that is self-similar. That is, one can divide a fractal into pieces that are similar to the original. Often fractals can be generated by repeated application of a particular operation. A lot of objects in nature have fractal properties: from mountains to coastlines, from trees to clouds, from broccoli to snow crystals. A production of Adams State University's Zacheis Planetarium, this show explains what fractals are, how they can be constructed, and where they occur in nature.

Escher's Universe ★✩✩

This full dome film screening highlights the life and work of the multifaceted Maurits Cornelis Escher. Was he an artist, an astronomer, a mathematician, a traveler?
Under the planetarium dome, we witness how Escher handled mathematics, astronomy, optics, crystallography and geometry to artistically interpret complex concepts from cosmology.